May 28, 2012

Online Shopping: Review

Well everyone's skeptic about shopping online. It's always a hit or miss. I was too at first, but you'll never know if one online store is legit or not if you don't try it. So far, I've been lucky enough I've never had any bogus transactions. Although there are times when I had some misunderstanding with sellers. No, not to the point of arguing with them. Sometimes they don't understand my special instructions, well this happens with international online sellers. But all in all the shopping experience online is pretty much good. Plus the idea of just sitting at home and doing some "window shopping" and purchasing as well, is kinda convenient.

This review is long overdue.. Nonetheless, I have nothing to do and my time permits me to write a blog post about it, and so I will. I've been a fan of Korean/Chinese/Japanese clothing style, and I was glad to know that there are online shops that sell them for quite reasonable prices. After a few tries I've come to a conclusion that the pricier the item is the better the quality. I came across this website,, and they sell clothes in wholesale prices. Sellers are mostly based in China where everything nowadays is being manufactured.

March 4, 2012

To Coron and Back (Teaser)

I haven't got the chance to write a blog entry for a while, well for months now... My reasons:  I don't have an idea what to blog about, and I'm just too plain lazy to write.. After being absent from blogging for a couple of months, I decided to check my blogspot account and was surprised to have gained new followers and and found that I have a couple of pending comments to approve. Wow! Some people are really taking the time to read my blog! I appreciate it, really! The last time I checked my site had like a 2000 views and now it doubled up to around 4000+ views! Cool! Whoever those people are, may they be just curious, followers (lol!), stalkers (LOL!) and even haters, thanks for visiting my site!

Anyway, I recently took another trip to Coron, my third time! I just want to share some photos for now, they're just "teasers", as you may know. I'll write about my latest Coron trip when I have the time and when the inspiration to write about it will hit me. I may have to look at our photos over and over to get that kick.  As for now, here are the photos that somewhat summarizes my first travel for 2012:

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