Coffee ranks as one world's most valuable and widely traded commodity. People from all walks of life consume it on a daily basis and there are people who can go a day without coffee, and that includes myself. Many consider it as liquid gold, something that fuels their soul and body to get us going and allow us to function all through out the day.
Coffee beans are usually produced in what people call us the coffee belt which is the tropical regions of world. But they don’t just grow anywhere in the tropics; these crops are very picky on where they would grow best; the tastiest beans come from plants that are not only cultivated in warm, humid tropical environments, but in terrain that sits at high elevations.
Coffee beans are usually produced in what people call us the coffee belt which is the tropical regions of world. But they don’t just grow anywhere in the tropics; these crops are very picky on where they would grow best; the tastiest beans come from plants that are not only cultivated in warm, humid tropical environments, but in terrain that sits at high elevations.