Welcome to my lifestyle blog and thank you for dropping by and liking :)
My blog's name is now SAND UNDER MY FEET!
I love clothes, make-up and beauty products.
I love sewing and doing arts and crafts.
I love to DIY almost everything.
I love to eat.
I love to travel when time and finances permits it.
I love weddings and events.
I love the beach and the feel of sand under my feet.
I started this blog as a past-time to take my mind off from the routines of daily life and with the goal of relating to anyone by sharing my life experiences and things that I am deeply passionate about.
So please bear with me when at times my posts are of poor composition. I am in no way a scholar of grammar of the English language and I rarely proof-read what I write.
But I hope you’ll find something interesting from my blog posts.
Jen :-)
if you have any questions, suggestions or collaboration ideas, you can email me: