September 28, 2021

5 Tips for Solving Difficult Design Challenges

Be it social media posts or brand premium mockups—a designer has to pour in creativity in all kinds of visual work. And that while helping the client achieve the purpose of the visuals. However, no matter how successful and innovative you are as a designer, sometimes things don’t work. You may feel overwhelmed or exhausted doing a project because you can’t just figure it out.

Well, let us tell you this; it’s okay. Every individual experiences challenges and difficulties at work. But, there is no reason to worry since you possess the power to conquer them all too. In today’s post, we’ll discuss ways and tips to solve difficult design challenges. Read more to unravel! 

Pause & Analyze
Sometimes, we are unable to create a useful and better design because we do not understand the challenge itself. What is that one troublesome point in the design? Is it the colors, fonts, elements, or something else?

Halt everything for a moment and analyze your work critically. Forget that you’re the designer, and examine the design from the perspective of the client. Try to immerse yourself in the details and identify potential issues. Once you identify the challenge, you will be able to find a solution quickly.

Take a Break
Having a designer’s block can be the worse feeling of all. It is especially true when you can’t get to work only because of the thinking blockage in your head. But, hey, don’t get so hard on yourself. One of the leading factors behind a designer’s block is the fear of imperfection. This particular fear, when coupled with work pressure and exhaustion, makes it impossible to get the work done.

So, if you can't come up with solutions, get up. It’s time to take a break. And, by a break, we do not mean a month-long vacation to Hawaii. You can relieve yourself from the designer’s block by watching a movie, cooking, reading a book, or doing anything you like!

Discuss the Plan
Another effective way to tackle the designer’s block is to go through the client requirements again. Is the design for creating brand awareness, promotion, or boosting sales? Should it address a specific audience? Find out the purpose behind the design.

At times, clients provide vague and insufficient details to designers. They have a rough idea in their minds but are unable to visualize it fully. In these cases, you should discuss the project details again with the client. Help them visualize the final product by first creating a mockup or prototype for them. Once your ideas and the client’s vision are in alignment, work on the project.

Never Look Back
Yes, it’s easy to look at the previously completed projects for a perspective or direction. After all, it will help you get better ideas for the new design. But, don’t! Looking at your previous designs would only block your creativity skills further. Your mind would work out similar solutions to the challenge that won’t be effective. It is only an escape from the problem. As a result, you might even end depreciating the quality of work.

Instead, try to find a solution with a new perspective and direction. Think about an innovative and unique design that would cater to your client’s needs.

Inspire Yourself
Talking about innovation – there could be no better way to generate ideas than inspiration.  You need to inspire yourself and craft solutions by the surrounding things. Now, every individual has a different style of gaining inspiration. Some discover it in the beauty of nature, while some seek it in the words of old men.

Either way, get yourself inspired and motivated. Give your brain all the juice it needs to create masterpieces!

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