March 17, 2021

Tackling Common Issues in the Home

We all want our homes to be in the best shape possible. Right now, we’re spending the vast majority of our work time and free time inside our own four walls. So, you’re going to want to make sure that the space is as comfortable and enjoyable to spend time in as possible. Now, there are countless different problems that many people experience when it comes to home maintenance and making things nice. But here are a few of the most common that you may face, as well as a few tips and tricks that can help you to tackle them head on!

Many of us will face leaks in our homes at some point or another. At the end of the day, leaks can come from a whole host of sources. You may find that the source of a leak lies within your own property and is actually the result of a hole in a pipe or a burst pipe. In other situations, you may find that a leak is coming from a hole in your roof. 

Regardless of the cause of your leak, it’s important that you investigate its source and call the right professional to put things right. Leaking pipes will require the work of a plumber. Roof damage will require roofers.  What’s most important is that you don’t ignore leaks. All too many people leave them until they’re causing major damage. Instead, tackle the issue early and prevent electrical or structural damage to your home.

Most of us would rather our homes were completely bug free. But these small creatures do tend to make their way into our homes some way or another every so often. Of course, the odd spider or moth here and there isn’t indicative of a problem and they can be removed from your property on a case by case basis. 

But there are ways that you can do your best to stop them from coming in in the first place. Try to block any potential entrances and exits for creepy crawlies. Fill holes and block wider gaps. If you find that you have a real bug problem where your home is full of pests, and there’s no way to remove them all yourself, you may need to call Pest Control. They’ll be able to remove the insects on your behalf. Where possible, try to use pest control companies that remove bugs in a humane way without killing them.

Mould can develop in any property. If you experience mould, make sure to talk to professionals who will be able to advise you on how to put things right. You might need major work carried out, or it may simply be a case of opening the windows and allowing air to circulate throughout the rooms in your home.

Of course, hopefully, you don’t experience any of these issues. But if you do, at least you now have the right information to get you by with minimal fuss, hassle and problems. Keep all of this information in the back of your mind, just in case you or a loved one need it!

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  1. I hate bugs and I freak out whenever I see one. Blocking any potential entrances is a must!

  2. Mould is always my problem in my room. I really hate it because wherever I move in, I always encounter mould in the room. I heard it's also dangerous to health so I really need to do something about it.

  3. These small things are taken for granted but plays a major impact in one’s daily life. That’s why it’s very important to maintain cleanliness by having a regular schedule to avoid these issues...

  4. this is a must read for people like me who are clueless at house keeping! how i wish there's a course for new home makers like me that tackels every thing we need to know.

  5. One thing that I hate much is mould. When buying a house property, it is best hire a tradie that checks the house for possible mould. Nothing is more scary and huge turn off when mould exist.

  6. Ever since our home was reconstructed, nawala na yung mga bugs. Paunti-unti na lang sila hahaha.

  7. These are indeed common problems at home. We hate pesky bugs, our kids are so attractive to insects they always end up with bites even if we slather them with insect repellent creams.

  8. kainit ng ulo tong mga issues na to lalo na langgam na di ko malaman san nanggagaling!! init ulo ko besh hahahahaha!!!! napakahirap!! weve been having a leaking pipe for a while now at di man lang mabudgetan ng asawa ko kainis hahahaha!!!! sana maayos na this month

  9. I'm scared of any creatures crawling! Regular cleaning is really a must to avoid that.

  10. Thank you for these tips. As a mother I need these tricks for the safety of my kids and the family

  11. The dry season is here. I hope people would take the time to do general cleaning and repairs/upgrades before it starts to rain again because it will affect our health, one way or another.

  12. Those creepy crawlies are the worst things to have in your home. I wish they just go away on their own, but they don't. Filling holes and blocking wider gaps is something we haven't done yet. We'll try this. Thanks for the tip!

  13. The most common issue at home here in Sokor is mold. Since we have cold seasons hindi masyado naarawan ang bahay, ma-moist kaya madaling magkaroon ng molds which is really not good cause it will give you bad allergies.

  14. Our hours is actually falling alart around us. We are facing all this issues with our house right now and it really is frustrating. The blog’s a big help tho! Haha

  15. Before I dont pay attention to those because I have my Mom to do that for me but now that I have my own family and have a toddler, I regularly check and clean our house to avoid those


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